Clicking on the "U" you will open the community window. There, you can choose from a variety of articles and several information sites switch back and forth. This I will tell you now more accurate.
Guild Info:

appear first, information about the communities in which it is currently.
first Here are listed the characters that are currently in the guild. On the far left next to the name of the character is a small computer icon. blue lights of this, is this person just online, this Black (as pictured here), then this character is offline. A little further to the right of this symbol is either a snake on a red circle or a cross on a blue and white sign. The first is for a Chinese, the second for a European. If the character so as a red circle next to his name, he is Chinese. Right of the name is the level of the character. Next to it is the guild status. You can be either a member or masters. Masters are marked in orange. On the far right are acquired GP (Guild Points, or guild points). For every 10 skill points you get 10 Guild Points. Guild gets through these points, the guild percent, Levelt thus quasi "indirectly".
2. If you click on it here, and has selected the same time a player gets this one request, if he wants to belong to the guild. So you can add players.
third Here you can look for commands his authority in this guild. You can have different authority, which is set by the master.
4th If you click on a character name in the guild, then click this button, the selected character from the guild will be "kicked". He is no longer in the guild.
5th This button can activate only the master. Here, this a "nickname" (also known as Grant name), then the right of the guild name behind an asterisk (*) appears to give the players. Available from level 4
6th This button can also be operated only from the master. There, the master was the players positions in the Fortress rejected.
7th If you click on it here appears Gildennotitz. This can be changed by clicking on the button right next to it with the stylus. Umlauts (ä, ü, ö, ..) but after some time here shown only as a question mark, so it pays, instead of "ä", "ue" oe "to use.
8th Here is a percentage how much the guild has done it before from this level.
9th Here is the master of the guild. Left of the name, the racial character (see above).
10th here as figures on how many guild points, the guild has been done before, and how many they still need for the next level.
11th If you click on this heart, you can make the guild a self-identifiable part of SP. These are then converted into Guild Points.
12th Here is the number of projects are underway there be in the guild players. Adjacent is the maximum number of players that can hold the guild.
13th The level of the guild. Maximum is level 5 A newly formed guild, the Level 1
14th The name of the guild.
Guild Relation:
This is the Union's window. Here you will find information about the Union, is located in your guild currently.
first Here you will find information on the "Guide" Guild of the Union, such as the current master or the level of the guild.
second Here you will find information about the selected communities, such as the current master or the level of the guild.
third If you click on the button, you can get a guild invite to the Union.
4th Here you can play with your guild leave the Union.
5th Here "kick" you the selected communities from the Union (Only works as a master of the guild leadership of the Union)
6th name of the currently existing in the Union guilds.
7th level of the currently existing in the Union guilds.

posts in this window information about the current Guild War.
first The members of your guild.
second The rank and points earned in the Guild War the respective members.
third The fight status of the currently selected guild will appear here.
4th Here are hostile guilds of this guild just fighting.

Here are friends of your friends list can be added or deleted. Here you can see forever, whether that character is online.
first If you click on a character and then on "Whisper", expresses her friend that can write to the bottom of the chat privately.
second Here you can add friends. Give simply the name of a character. Respect is case-sensitive!
third There you can delete her friends from the list.
4th This is the name of the character. Left of the name is a symbol with the race logo (see above). On the far left then is the online icon. When lit, it is online (as in the picture). It does not light, he is offline.
5th Here is the number of friends, the straight-line. In addition, the maximum number of characters is specified, one can have on the list.
block (Whisper):

Here you can block messages from characters, the "whisper" at you, then write about the private chat.
first Here you can add a character to the list.
second Here you can delete the currently selected character of the block list.
third name of the blocked character.
4th number of currently blocked characters and the maximum number of characters that can be blocked (20). This list is stored on the server, so the limitation.
Block (All):

Here is the same principle as above but with the all-chat. You see any messages from the characters in the All-Chat, who are on this list.
first Here you can add a character to the list.
second Here you can delete the currently selected character of the list.
third Here is the number of characters currently blocked. This is unspecified, the list is stored on the local computer in Silkroad folder.
4th Here are the names of the characters currently blocked. Note: The list is saved only when you're normal by Escape Exit button and log out, otherwise they will not be saved (in case of disconnects or exit from the Task Manager)
Message Box:

This here is the "Message Box" is. Here you can send and read messages.
first Here you can send a message. You have to specify only the receiver and enter a title and a message. Then the message can be sent easily.
second is selected a message arrived, you can click on it here and thus the message read.
third This is to delete a selected message.
4th Here you can send a message around the guild.
5th Here you can send a message throughout the Union.
6th The sender's name will appear here.
7th There is the time when the message has been specified. "Forenoon" is morning, "Afternoon" means afternoon.
8th Here is the number of messages that you have received or can receive a maximum of (20).
This was again a new and updated Guide. And as always, you can look forward to new and updated guides!
greetings foxnbk
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