Monday, August 2, 2010

Best Of Brazilian Orgies

Backyard TV Review # Kafé Budapest

backyard TV Review # Kafé Budapest from Backyard TV on Vimeo .

Backyard TV was during the 20th European Culture 2010 (17:04 to 08:05) and it has for you some of the acts summarized in a review. The performances took place in the Dance and Culture Club "The center" instead, here was a piece of Budapest's cafe and club culture brought to life.

We show in retrospect voices and parts of the performances of Le Grand Uff Zaque, Singas Project and the "Hungarian street musicians.

Best Of Brazilian Orgies

Backyard TV Review # Kafé Budapest

backyard TV Review # Kafé Budapest from Backyard TV on Vimeo .

Backyard TV was during the 20th European Culture 2010 (17:04 to 08:05) and it has for you some of the acts summarized in a review. The performances took place in the Dance and Culture Club "The center" instead, here was a piece of Budapest's cafe and club culture brought to life.

We show in retrospect voices and parts of the performances of Le Grand Uff Zaque, Singas Project and the "Hungarian street musicians.